Posted on Friday, March 03, 2017 at 12:00 PM


Movie Review by JOSHWRB X

Logan: In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hideout on the Mexican border. But Logan's attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are up-ended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.

This movie is a fresh take on the comic book movie genre. I am very impressed that the studios finally understand that making a good movie means you have to have a good script. Check out my review and leave your thoughts down below.

Calgary Showtimes:  Logan >Logan: The IMAX 2D Experience >


NOTE: The showtimes listed on come directly from the theatres' announced schedules, which are distributed to us on a weekly basis. All showtimes are subject to change without notice or recourse to