La Cité des Rocheuses: Au poste!


Wednesday, December 12, 2018 - Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Au Poste!

mer. le 12 décembre 2018 de 19h00
La Cité des Rocheuses - 4800 Richard Road SW, Calgary, AB
$10 Régulier

Version originale en français
v.o.f.s.-t.a. : Au poste!
1h13 Comédie France 2018
Commissaire Buron, policier d'expérience, se voit confier le dossier d'une affaire de meurtre. Son enquête le mène vers le suspect Louis Fugain, homme d'une quarantaine d'années affable. S'ensuit alors une nuit en interrogatoire sans fin qui tourne mal... Les apparences pourraient être trompeuses dans toute cette affaire.

'Keep an Eye Out' ('Au Poste!')
More of a cinematic prankster than a regular filmmaker, DJ-turned-director Quentin Dupieux has crafted a handful of dark comedies — Steak, Rubber, Wrong, Wrong Cops and Reality — that are equal parts Michel Gondry, Tex Avery and the Coen brothers, with banal storylines that suddenly take strange, surrealistic and violent turns into the unknown.

His latest work, the barely feature-length Keep an Eye Out (Au Poste!), continues in that vein, starting off with the ordinary scene of a cop taking a statement from a witness and then spiraling out of control into a series of twisted events, accidental deaths and black humor. Released in France ... 



NOTE: The showtimes listed on come directly from the theatres' announced schedules, which are distributed to us on a weekly basis. All showtimes are subject to change without notice or recourse to