waydowntown (2000)

Drama , Comedy | 83 Minutes

Lot 47


for language, drug use and some sexuality

Four friends bet a month's salary to see who can stay indoors the longest... It's lunch hour on day 24 of the wager and everyone's pretty much reached their breaking point. Marijuana-medicated Tom struggles through an illicit affair, flights of self-doubt and periodic superhero sightings, all the while trying to ignore his cubicle mate, Brad, who spends most of the time playing a computer game when not plotting suicide. Go-getter Sandra, convinced toxic air is seeping through the building's vents, sniffs magazine perfume samples as she carries out her latest assignment--trailing her elderly kleptomaniac boss. Randy passes the time by assigning animal names to mall patrons while Curt, the perennially engaged office Lothario, makes his move on a vulnerable co-worker. By the lunch hour's end, the bet has prematurely unfolded, leaving all participants to re-examine what could possibly be worth more than their happiness and freedom.


Cast & Crew

Movie Cast
  • Fabrizio Filippo
  • Marya Delver
  • Don McKellar
  • Gordon Currie
  • Tobias Godson
Movie Crew
  • Gary Burns
  • Gary Burns
  • Shirley Vercruysse
  • Gary Burns
  • James Martin

User Reviews

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